Sunday, January 5, 2014

365 Day Photo Challenge: Day 1

365 Day Photo Challenge
Day 1

2013 was a really tough year for my husband and I. In fact, it was the hardest year we have ever had to face as a married couple. Our marriage was put to the test and I had wondered at one point if we were ever going to survive. But because we decided that life would be better together we decided to forget all of the bad and focus on a brighter future together as husband and wife. We didn't just do it for us. We did it for our children and more importantly we did it for Christ.

This image represents our future together. If you notice, there is a diamond missing in my wedding band. That represents the flaws and imperfections in our marriage. But if we stick together and work through the difficult times than our future will be bright. As bright and fresh as the new snow after a fall.

I see 2014 as a new beginning to great things. God IS faithful. HE can make things new again.