Pray Without Ceasing
Today is one of those days where I just want to HUG and love on my kids like I have never before. Today a HUGE tragedy hit in Connecticut, at an elementary school of all places. 27 now confirmed dead. I cannot FATHOM this event happening to my family or understand WHY the shooter decided to make this awful decision to open fire at innocent children and teachers. This is where my faith in God comes into play.
I have always been a firm believer in prayer. Prayer changes everything. EVEN when you don't understand WHY, GOD is still in control and he's still on his throne. He is more powerful than we can ever be. It's so hard to trust in Him and I completely understand it. But always remember that God is always good, no matter what. Lean on Him. Trust in His ever mighty power. Let us never forget the innocent lives lost. Let us always love our kids. Let us always forgive. Let us never take life for granted! Let us always pray without ceasing!